Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Having access to quality health care is a right of every Coloradoan. For the majority of us who have insurance through our employers, we have seen increases in our premiums and even cuts to our benefits. I will work to control the growth in costs and the cost shifting in the system.

Key to the future stability and equity of our health care system, I strongly support the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). This will particularly make it possible for the staggering number of uninsured and underinsured to see a doctor for preventative treatment rather than wait for extremely expensive care in an Emergency Room. The Congressional Budget Office recently projected that the ACA will save billions of dollars in the health care system. It will also cover people with pre-existing conditions, and young people up to age 26 on their parents' plans.

In 2010, the legislature passed SB10-200, which began the process of setting up a Health Benefits Exchange or marketplace for affordable, quality private health care insurance which Coloradoans may then purchase. Additionally, pursuant to the ACA, I support the expansion of Medicaid to Coloradoans who can not afford health insurance at all.

Medicare--I will fight against cuts in Medicare, and I will lobby our Congressional delegation to ensure that seniors get the health care resources they nee
